Hidden Pain: The Urgent Need to Break the Silence on Mental Health

The Urgent Call to Tackle Mental Health Stigma

Kristie Leong M.D.
5 min readNov 3, 2023
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

The sunny town of Harmonyville was anything but harmonious behind closed doors. Though its residents prided themselves on perseverance and self-reliance, an epidemic of personal struggles brewed silently under the surface.

Sarah was a ray of light in the community, greeting everyone with a bright smile that never seemed to fade. But few knew the darkness that clouded Sarah’s mind—the depression she had battled privately for years, concealing her pain behind a mask of positivity. She hid her inner turmoil well, not wanting to burden others.

As time passed, the dark cloud grew too heavy to bear. Sarah’s cheer began to crack, giving way to isolation and despair. Yet still, no one noticed, too afraid to confront the stigma around mental health struggles.

Until one tragic day, when the unthinkable happened. Sarah took her own life, sending shockwaves of grief and guilt through Harmonyville. How could they not have seen her suffering?

Sarah always lit up any room she walked into. Her bright eyes and warm smile never failed to lift people’s spirits.



Kristie Leong M.D.

Family physician who believes proper nutrition for optimal health & disease prevention. https://www.histaminedoctor.com