Please Stop Assuming Obese People Are Lazy and Only Eat Fast Food

The reality of being obese and why we need more empathy

Kristie Leong M.D.
3 min readJan 17, 2023
Image by Canva

America has a problem. Too many insensitive people assume those who are obese got that way by being lazy and overindulging in high-calorie food. Here’s a typical conversation I’ve had with people who are the victim of this:

Patient: “I can’t take it anymore. Everywhere I go, I feel like people are judging me because of my weight. It’s like they think I’m lazy or that I don’t care about my health. I try so hard to lose weight, but nothing works. I’ve even been turned down for jobs and even for apartments because of my weight.”

Doctor: “I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. Discrimination based on weight is a serious issue and it’s not fair. Can you tell me more about the steps you’re taking to lose weight? Are you following a specific diet or exercise plan?”

Patient: “I eat healthy and exercise but it’s hard because of my knee pain. I’ve been to a few different doctors, and they all say the same thing, that I need to lose weight, but no one will help me with my knee pain.”

Doctor: “I can understand how frustrating that must be. I can help by referring you to a specialist for your knee pain. At the same time, I would like to help you…



Kristie Leong M.D.

Family physician who believes proper nutrition for optimal health & disease prevention.